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Albanskom drustvu su potrebni Srbi. Oni mogu dati veliki doprinos stabilnosti Kosova.
- Hasim Taci, komandant OVK 19. jun 1999.
Naša zemlja je najdemokratskija zemlja na svetu.
- Slobodan Milosevic 16. jun 1999.
Poslanici SPO su u Skupstini Srbije "glasali za okoncanje agresije NATO, ali i za stvaranje nove, proevropske i proamericke Srbije, koja bi postala balkanska Amerika - multikulturalna i multinacionalna".
- Vuk Draskovic u intrervjuu za "Lidove novini"
The arsenals of democracy are deep. We are not anywhere near running out. We can fight this for months and months, if not years.
- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Harry Shelton
Historically, the weather is better in May than in April, better in June than in May, better in July than in June.
- U.S. President Bill Clinton on Thursday signaled that the airstrikes on Yugoslavia could extend well into the summer
NATO had destroyed the last remaining bridge over the Danube in the city of Novi Sad (more than 500km/300miles from Kosovo): Kosovo is becoming even more isolated from Serbia.
- Jamie Shea, NATO spokesman
Bombardment of Yugoslavia is an attempt to defend moral values 21st century Europe would cherish.
- Xavier Solana
We do know that we must do more to reach out to our children and teach them to express their anger and to resolve their conflicts with words, not weapons.
- Bill Clinton, after 20 days of bombing.
Zivecemo bolje nego ikada.
- Mirko Marjanovic, predsednik vlade Srbije
Yesterday NATO bombed the bridges in Novi Sad, the second bigest town in Kosovo.
- News on CNN
The train was on or near the bridge, but it was not the target!
- NATO officials, explaining bombing of a passanger train.
A fire burns in Okolina, a Belgrade suburb, in what Serb TV claims is destruction caused by a third night of NATO airstrikes.
- Text under the picture on CNN site
He dropped his bomb in good faith, as you would expect a well trained pilot from a democratic country to do.
- Jamie Shea, after the bombing of a refugee convoy when 72 people were killed.
We do know that we must do more to reach out to our children and teach them to express their anger and to resolve their conflicts with words, not weapons.
- Bill CLinton
Deo pisma Mire Markovic Robinu Kuku:
"...tom prilikom ste izjavili i da imamo pet vila u inostranstvu. Nemamo ni jednu, naravno. I teško da bismo i mogli da imamo iz finansijskih razloga, razume se..."
- Mira Markovic 19. april 1999.

"I don't see this as a long-term operation. I think that this is achievable within a relatively short period of time".
- U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on March 24th, 1999.

"We never expected this to be over quickly".
- U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright on April 19th, 1999.
